By the end of the sophomore year, the following courses should be completed: First-Year Seminar (FYS); CHEM 103/107, 108, 221, 321; MATH 161/165 and 162, or 161/165 and 186; PHYS 111/112 or 131/133 or 151/152.

The requirements for the A.B. degree with a major in chemistry are:  MATH 161/165 and 162, or 161/165 and 186; PHYS 111/112 or 131/133 or 151/152; CHEM 103/107, 108, 211, 221, 222, 231, plus either 341 and two other advanced chemistry courses (not to include CHEM 342 or 343), or CHEM 342/343 with one other advanced chemistry elective (not to include CHEM 341), and 365 or 366. Advanced chemistry electives are 200- or above level courses, only one of which may be a biochemistry course. In addition, electives listed below must include College-wide requirements for the Common Course of Study.

It is recommended that the following sequence of courses be scheduled:

  • CHEM 103/107 (General I)
  • MATH 161/165 (Calculus I)
  • First-Year Seminar
  • Elective
First Year
  • CHEM 108 (General II)
  • MATH 162 or 1861 (Calculus)
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • CHEM 221 (Organic Chemistry I)
  • PHYS 111
  • Elective
  • Elective
Sophomore Year
  • CHEM 222 (Organic II)
  • PHYS 112
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • CHEM 231 (Quantitative Chemical Methods)
  • CHEM 365 (Course-based Research Experience in Chemistry)
  • Elective
  • Elective
Junior Year
  • CHEM 341 (Survey of Physical Chemistry) or Advanced Chemistry Elective2
  • CHEM 211 (Foundational Inorganic)
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Advanced Chemistry Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
Senior Year
  • Advanced Chemistry Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective

See: Lafayette College Catalog or select course links at the top of this page for individual course descriptions.

Students considering graduate school in chemistry should take PHYS 131, 133 in place of PHYS 111, 112 and CHEM 342 and 343 in place of CHEM 341.

1MATH 161/165 and 162 is the prerequisite for CHEM 342 and 343.

2There is variability in the options regarding Physical Chemistry and therefore only approximate guidelines are provided.